If you’ve been charged with DUI or DWI, take advantage of your legal rights and contact an attorney right away. The Maryland DUI attorneys at the Law Offices of Larry B. Litt have been expertly and aggressively defending DUI cases across the state for many years. We have the skills necessary to guide you through the justice system and secure the best possible results.
What Are The Consequences?
In Maryland, the penalties associated with drunk driving are often enormous. DUI convictions can lead to thousands of dollars in fines and up to two years of jail time. Even if you avoid criminal penalties, the MVA can still revoke your driver’s license or require you to drive with a breathalyzer permanently tethered to your car’s ignition device. Plus, a DUI conviction will stay on your driving record for years, dramatically increasing your insurance rates and disqualifying you from certain jobs.
This list of consequences doesn’t even account for the social stigma placed upon individuals with a drunk driving conviction, which can severely blight your personal and professional reputation. If you want to protect your rights and maintain your lifestyle after a failed breathalyzer, you will need help from an expert Maryland DUI attorney.
Should I Take A Breathalyzer Test When The Police Ask?
In a moment of panic, many people feel that taking the breathalyzer is their only choice—but it may not always be the best option. In most cases, the decision of whether to take the test depends on your number of prior drunk driving arrests.
Under Maryland law, declining a breathalyzer can result in a 90 to 120 day driver’s license suspension. During this suspension period, you will not be approved for a work permit or restricted license. These are the exact same penalties that you will receive if you blow anything over a .15.
The short answer is that "it depends." There are just too many factors that go into a decision like this, including your dependence on your car, your prior record and your current state of inebriation. But if you have previously been convicted of a DUI, it’s in your best interest to decline the test and contact a lawyer as soon as possible.
If you need legal help, contact us now for a Free Consultation.
Do I Need A Maryland DUI Attorney?
When it comes to DUI convictions, timing is absolutely paramount. If you do not request a formal hearing within 10 days, then your license can be automatically suspended. That is why it’s so important to get in touch with an experienced Maryland DUI attorney right away.
For decades, the Law Offices of Larry B. Litt has earned a reputation as one of Baltimore’s most trusted DUI firms. Our attorneys begin every consultation by explaining the complexities of Maryland’s DUI laws and police procedures. We can help you determine whether the test was administered correctly, evaluate your current situation in light of past convictions, and decide on the most effective course of action.
At the Law Offices of Larry B. Litt, our advocacy extends beyond the courtroom. We arrange comprehensive treatment for our clients, including AA meetings and inpatient or outpatient treatments. Our team can also recommend state-of-the-art recovery centers, work closely with the treatment staff, and obtain qualified recommendations that will be received well in court.
Contact Our Team
Is a DUI conviction is threatening your way of life? You need an attorney with the experience to defend your rights and the tenacity to fight for them in court. At the Offices of Larry B. Litt, we’ve earned our reputation as one of the toughest Maryland DUI attorneys. Our clients trust us because we’ve handled over 900 DUI cases in the state, and because we dedicate every available resource to securing the best results. To schedule a consultation with our legal team, please call us at 443-844-1528 or make an appointment online.
Get Help Now
If you were arrested for DUI, you need an attorney to help keep you out of jail, protect your driving privileges and protect your livelihood. Call us now at 443-844-1528 any time, day or night. Or fill out the form on this page. Then, we’ll contact you right away.