Can Car Crashes Cause PTSD?

A car accident is a traumatizing and stressful event that can leave behind physical injuries, psychological trauma, and emotional scars. While physical injuries are almost always immediately apparent after a car collision, the same cannot be said about psychological injuries, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

PTSD is one of the most common mental health conditions that occur after a car collision. If another driver’s negligent actions resulted in a crash that led to your physical and psychological injuries, including PTSD, it is vital to contact an attorney at the Law Offices of Larry B. Litt to seek compensation for your suffering and psychological distress.

Imagine cruising down the highway, your favorite song playing on the radio. Then suddenly, bam – a sudden crash, metal twisting, glass shattering. In a blink, life flips upside down – literally and figuratively. Can car accidents case PTSD? YES, absolutely!

It is not shocker that car collisions are nasty business; they jolt more than just our vehicles – they can rattle our very psyche to its core.

We all know someone who has been in one – or maybe we have been there ourselves – and the aftermath is not always just about physical scrapes or insurance claims. There is an invisible wound too often overlooked – the mental scarring of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

PTSD and Its Correlation With Car Accidents

PTSD is often associated with extremely traumatic events that can change the way a person thinks and behaves. This condition is common among soldiers returning from war since they may imagine or visualize the battlefields within the comfort of their own homes. They may also hear random gunshots, and only they can hear these noises.

This condition is similar with victims of car crashes. A car crash is a life-threatening situation that causes a person to retain the memory and recreate the same scene in their minds repeatedly. These are telltale signs of PTSD. These vivid memories can cause many symptoms, which are often treatable with long-term therapy or other treatment.

Possible Indicators/Symptoms of PTSD

There are many ways that PTSD can present itself. Everyone’s response may be different, and there are a wide range of symptoms that you may experience. You may have MVA-related PTSD after being injured in a Baltimore car crash if:

  • You are re-living the car collision in your mind repeatedly.
  • You are having nightmares about the crash.
  • You are having flashbacks or feel physically as though the car wreck is recurring.
  • You have strong feelings of distress when something reminds you of the accident.
  • You have a physical reaction, such as a surge in your heart rate or sweating or dizziness when you are reminded of the auto collision.
  • You are actively avoiding thoughts, people, places, feelings, and conversations that remind you about the car accident.
  • You are intentionally keeping yourself busy so you do not have to think about the collision.
  • You are having difficulty falling or staying asleep.
  • You are feeling irritable or having angry outbursts.
  • You are having difficulty concentrating.
  • You are feeling constantly on guard or in danger.
  • You are jumpy or easily startled.
  • You can not remember important details of the auto collision.
  • You have lost interest in activities you used to enjoy prior to the car crash.
  • You feel distant from your loved ones.
  • You are finding it hard to feel happiness, excitement, or affection.
  • You have a sense that you will not have a normal lifespan.

This is not the full list of PTSD symptoms that car accident victims may experience in the weeks, months, and even years following the car crash. It is important to know that the onset of PTSD can be delayed for months after a car crash and that PTSD may look different in children. If you are experienced a few of these symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis. Some of these symptoms may be associated with your physical injuries (for example, if you can not fall asleep, it may be because you are in pain, or it may be because you have developed PTSD).

A Medical Professional Can Help You

Early intervention and treatment can help your PTSD symptoms from worsening and make it more likely that those symptoms can be resolved in a shorter period-of-time. Get a full medical examination as soon as possible following your car accident, even if you believe that you are only hurt physically, as you may still be running on adrenaline and not aware of the extent of the emotional damage you have endured. If it has been a few months since the car crash, and you begin experiencing any of the above symptoms, contact your doctor immediately to get an evaluation.

If you are diagnosed with MVA-related PTSD after being injured in a Baltimore car collision, treatment may include psychotherapy or other forms of professional counseling and potentially medication. The goal of treatment will be to help you return to your level of functioning before the accident occurred.

Claims and Compensation for PTSD

Therapy for PTSD can be expensive, and the best resort is to get compensation from the at-fault party for your condition. Aside from the cost of therapy, you may also get compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, for your pain and suffering, and loss of enjoyment in life. You will need medical records to show that you have undergone medical intervention after the auto accident and get a witness testimony to corroborate your claims with the insurance company or in court.

With a reliable attorney, you must also prove that your PTSD caused a negative and irreversible impact on your life and that the condition was solely caused by the car collision.

You may also claim damages for all your accident-related injuries, fatalities, prognosis for the necessity to undergo future treatment, and other financial losses involved in the car accident.

Contact Our Baltimore Injury Attorneys To Help You Seek Compensation for PTSD After an Auto Collision

Car accident survivors go through a lot of emotional distress, and legal issues should be the least of their worries. When you develop PTSD after being injured in a Baltimore car crash that was not your fault – that was caused by someone else’s negligent actions – you should not have to pay the costs to treat PTSD on your own. However, the insurance company of the person responsible may not be willing to pay you the full amount that you deserve, which is why you need to contact Baltimore auto accident injury lawyers who can fight for justice for you. At the Law Offices of Larry B. Litt, we work to win maximum compensation on behalf of injured car accident victims and those who suffer from PTSD because of the car accident. We are confident that we can recover a sizable settlement for you!

You never pay us until we win your case. We understand that nothing can change what happened, but getting a settlement can help you find closure, ensure that you get quality care, and prevent you from having to worry about finances while you are healing from your symptoms. Call our Baltimore office today at 443-844-1528 to schedule a free consultation and discuss your options with our experienced, compassionate attorneys. There is not enough compensation to make up for what PTSD patients go through, but having competent counsel by their side will at least give them peace of mind that someone is fighting for their rights.