How Much Compensation Can I Get From a Rideshare Accident?

Uber, Lyft and other rideshare companies have only grown in popularity as the years go on. While the convenience these services have added to our lives is undeniable, there are no appreciable safety benefits for riders or other drivers. In fact, ridesharing has been found to increase the number of cars on the road, which may make accidents more likely.

For anyone injured in a rideshare accident, whether as a passenger, a driver of another vehicle, or any other road user, you should know these companies can be held liable for accidents caused by their drivers. Bringing a claim is not always easy, but it is worth it. Car accidents car cause serious injuries that disrupt your life, leading to financial strain and lots of sleepless nights.

A rideshare accident for a passenger can be a very traumatic experience. Passengers who are injured in a rideshare accident cannot only suffer from physical harm; they can also be afflicted with emotional distress and financial loss. When a rideshare passenger is seriously injured, in an auto accident, trying to determine damages and compensation for trauma and injury can be stressful, complicated and very confusing, especially without the assistance of a knowledgeable rideshare accident attorney. When these types of accidents occur, it is logical to wonder how much compensation and recovery can be obtained by the at-fault party or rideshare company.

Figuring out the amount of damages and compensation you can get from a rideshare accident will depend on the circumstances of the accident, the extent of injuries or harm, who was involved, and who was at fault. These factors are all considered when determining compensation and damages.

Rideshare companies, such as Uber and Lyft, provide up to $1 million in liability coverage and up to $1 million in uninsured/underinsured coverage. Even though rideshare companies provide such coverages, that does not mean that you will automatically collect that coverage or amount. Rideshare drivers, as well as regular drivers, are required to carry their own personal car insurance. When an accident arises, Uber’s and Lyft’s insurance policies will not take effect until the at-fault parties’ personal insurance is exhausted or denied. If personal coverage is exhausted or denied, you can submit a claim or file a lawsuit with the rideshare company.

As mentioned, several factors are taken into consideration when determining an amount for compensation. The first aspect that goes into figuring out compensation is the extent of injuries you sustained during the auto accident. It is key to have documentation of all medical treatments and care in relation to the rideshare accident. Then, it is important to recognize your economic losses, such as lost wages for the present and future. Pain and suffering can also be collected if it is found that you are suffering from physical and/or emotional distress.

If you are unsure about the amount of compensation you can collect from a rideshare accident, it is highly advised to consult with a rideshare accident lawyer. An Uber accident attorney can evaluate your case and help you get the compensation/settlement you deserve. It takes a knowledgeable and skilled rideshare lawyer to know exactly how to maximize the settlement you may receive and the rideshare accident liability limits. Allow our highly trained legal team to help you through the complex legal maze and aggressively negotiate on your behalf.

Evidence in a Rideshare Accident

Just as with any auto accident, a rideshare accident will require evidence to prove fault in the case. Luckily, Uber and Lyft and most rideshare companies keep GPS and electronic records of where drivers are traveling while they’re working as part of the business. Most drivers also have dashcams or even cameras inside of the vehicle which records outside traffic, as well as which passengers enter and exit the vehicle. That evidence is critical, and the rideshare company has a duty to preserve that information for the protection of its drivers and its passengers. As soon as a collision takes place, Uber or Lyft should immediately save that evidence voluntarily. At the Law Offices of Larry B. Litt, our attorneys take the extra step to ensure that information is preserved. Our legal team fights diligently to guarantee all evidence regarding your case is preserved with the rideshare company and our law firm.

Rideshare Accident Settlement Benefits

The Law Offices of Larry B. Litt will fight for you and make sure you get the rideshare settlement you deserve. Some of the insurance benefits you may be entitled to receive following an auto accident injury include:

  • Rental car while your vehicle is being repaired
  • Proper repair of your vehicle property damage
  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits for lost income reimbursement
  • Payment of medical expenses and prescription expenses
  • Future medical care
  • Reimbursement for lost wages
  • Future wages that have been affected by your injuries
  • Compensation for pain and suffering


If you or a loved one has sustained serious or fatal injuries in a rideshare accident, it is vitally important for you to learn your rights and responsibilities, call us today at 443-844-1528 to request a free consultation to learn more about what your rideshare accident case is worth and how our rideshare accident lawyers can help maximize the settlement you receive.